Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is NOT what I was expecting.

I began this blog entry writing about my experience so far here in Oka, Quebec, but the more I wrote, the sicker I felt.
There is a time, (perhaps when I get home) when I will be allowed to share my story thus far but for now I feel the Holy Spirit telling me that I am not allowed.
I am going to be obedient.

We will just say it has not been good. I'm working on it but the enemy is very influential here. I am thinking it is mostly because we are on the land of my Native Ancestors. There are many ruling Demons and they are NOT happpy that I am here. That is all I will say until I feel I am allowed to share more.

Don't worry about me though. Jesus is more powerful than anything in this world and I am not in the least bit afraid. Demons don't scare me. I feel protected but I will always be grateful for more prayer in this regard :)

I hope everyone else is well. We will see you after the Holidays since Damien has decided to fly here for Christmas.

With love for everyone who reads this,